The SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS 1028 XILION Chaton Round Stones have been upgraded to a better and more beautiful version, namely the SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS 1088 XIRIUS Chaton Round Stones. The 1028 and 1088 Round Stones are practically the same, but due to a different way of faceting the XIRIUS 1088 is even more beautiful than the XILION 1028.
All upgraded items will receive a new Sayila itemnumber. The upgrade applies to all XILION 1028 Round Stones from size PP14 upwards. Smaller sizes, such as the PP9, will remain available as XILION 1028.
Over time our 1028 XILION Chaton assortment will get smaller until there are no 1028 items left. Simultaneously, our 1088 XIRIUS Chaton assortment will expand.
These items have all been upgraded to the 1088 and have received a new item number. It will however take longer before all 1028 Round Stones that are sold per piece can be ordered as 1088. Please keep an eye on the new items and the 1088 XIRIUS Chaton group for the items that have been upgraded.